These images are all dear to me.
A lock on the Belgian Upper Sambre. I chose to only show the colours yellow, green and red, the rest is in greyscale.
Believe it or not, these oddly shaped watertowers near Maubeuge really have these remarkable colours.
For a brief period in 2005 communication between my camera and the computer was less than ideal. It led to a subtly surreal effect that would have been hard to achieve deliberately. Valerie wearing her sunglasses helped too, not to mention the dog Sindy having a plastered leg. This is Arquennes on the old canal Brussels-Charleroi.
Below an image worth watching in itself. Clicking on it leads you to a QuickTime panorama (2.6MB) that will take a while to download, but worth the waiting if I say so myself. When the panorama has appeared, click and drag in the image to navigate.
This is south of the Volkerak locks on the way from Belgium to Rotterdam.
That's it for this week.
We'll be thinking of you.
Photos and panorama Koos Fernhout