Only recently I have posted a
question about a remarkable contraption I found in Schoten , Belgium (see above). Now it is a matter of selective perception, I'm sure, but yesterday we found not just one but
two similar things in
a place called Boussoit.
They are good food for thought.

First: why does this one have an electrical connector that is mounted upside down, open side up? Is it intended to electrocute the occupants of whatever is inside, in case of rain?

And then: why has the top two units each only one door, while number 3 has two doors?
Hi Kos,
I'm not sure what a Euro connector is, but my guess to the one door, two door question would be something silly like: one is unisex, the other is a boy door and girl door. :)
I'm afraid to even ask what these things are.
They look like portable lavatories
Hi Anne-Marie,
I have clarified the connector bit, I hope, added the pic from the earlier post and repaired the link to that same post.
In fact I can't say what these thing are, but it seems they are not uncommon in Belgium.
Hi Chaz-Boot
Are they ride-a-potties? Then why does the cute thing at the top a lock that can be closed from the outside?
However, number three does have a toilet-type lock on one of the doors, but none on the other.
Anyway, I think we have reason to believe they are toilets, okay?
they are portable prisons koos...the one door is for prisners who can be left unattended in solitary confinement...the 2 door one is for prisoners on 24 hour watch one door for the prison cell and one door for the gaurd to watch over..the upside down connector serves as a psychological torture for the prisner in question as if it rains he is forever worried it might electrocute
At last things hang together thanks to you, my dear Gypsy. I take you very seriously, because this is about Belgium, birthplace of surrealism.
Thanks for deepening my understanding of things in general and absurdities in particular!
If I could I'd personally remove the 'lol' at the end of your comment.
Here's evidence of contextual word-verification: today we find mother and daughter on my comments page, and what is the word I must type?
Hallo Koos,
If these were in America I would say they are portable WC buildings... but in Europe, who knows.
Love your Blog site, keep up the great photos and stories.
oh yes mother daughter it might be mother daughter grandson/daughter glad to have shed..(pun) light on the shed in question they could be old dug up ww2 bunkers aswell you know..
what does himomzy mean?...
Daughter greets mum (American: mom): "Hi momzy!"
Hi Koos,
Yes, now I see the electrical light. I had thought they were portable loos as well, or elaborate walk-in closets for the traveller who must have his or her entire wardrobe along.
oh i she would say..hallow mam...hallow pronounced like in loud..i wish i could do a sound clip of my voice...ala geordie accent...
They are outhouses, looks like to me!
The one with 2 doors is the luxery version.
The electrical???? Kinda scary!
Nah...they ain't one of us...
Or as we may say in our insane moments hiya emyeh!
Hi Koos,
I do not have the faintest (might be spelled incorrectly) idea...
I'm afraid we must leave the matter open ended. One of these days I'll meet someone who knows because he built one himself.
Thanks for all the constructive ideas to all!
Hi Koos,
I think the reason why the large port-o-potty has one door is because it's for the handicapped and the other port-o-potty with two doors is for men on one side and women on the other side.
I don't know what to say about the electrical device.
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