We went to Turnhout in Belgium just to get away 'from it all'. There we walked along the canal, and noticed these red and white poles, very clearly marking the place where one can easily climb out of the water if necessary.

I suppose the next time we'll need to publish a Study of Red and White Czechs ;-)
Ever noticed what the Polish flag looks like?

No joke, it's red and white.
Guess it was all meant to be...
They look like candy canes! Thanks for the interesting photos, once again. I love how you have an eye for everyday quirks.
We just received our first international speeding ticket in the mail yesterday- apparently we took the A10 too quickly while zipping around in your lovely neck of the woods! I almost threw it out, thinking it was junk mail trying to sell us something. Can you believe, 38 Euros for doing 115 km/h in a 100 zone? That's not really speeding...
I hope Val is feeling better. Lots of hugs and kisses all around.
Really sorry for you Anne-Marie. You may have noticed I am very negative about globalisation and European federalisation.
Sending a fine to Canada is part of what I feel is the emerging international police state.
I shouldn't go on about this for too long, but it gets clearer and clearer that the authorities think we have had enough fun in life. One leading policeman even suggested installing electronic moats around our towns. Today he's a monumental jerk, tomorrow he'll be the realist who helps protect us from terrorism and trigger happy Yugo criminals.
Indeed, I think we should just jump out wherever and however we can. Maybe they'll put out signs next telling you you must have proper swimwear to be in the river at all. ;)
I will agree with you, we were rather shocked to find this ticket, even more so because we were officially only 11 km/h over the limit, which here isn't even high enough for the police to bother.
Hi Koos,
hope you feel good. Do you saw the pictures from Elena's blog. They are great. It's a hard for thing for Anne-Marie to get a ticket in Kanada for driving so quickly in Europe. The government need money. The best is to make 30 km zones like here in Kassel. This is the best moneymaker. I hate it! Please say Val it will be November in two weeks and she promised to be back at the end of this month in blogland. Only 6 or 7 weeks! Please give her a shout from me.
All the best.
Love and peace
koos you pics always make me wonder ..there always a story behind them..make sure val takes it easy with her cold..nurse koos is on dudy now..dont you catch it though..or ill have to come and look after both of you...
She's getting better, dear Gypsy, so no travelling to look after both of us. On the other hand... it would be a great opportunity to meet, like we met Anne-Marie.
As an aside, just wondering... when Val and I discussed the possibility of a post about Poles in Belgium, we almost rolled on the floor laughing.
Is the joke invisible in writing?
Are you looking for red & white czechs? Czech this out!!!
The upper right quadrant of the Coat of Arms of the Czech republic contains.....
Rache, you make my day (and Val's nught, she's asleep). Inever knew, and I won't tell, let people look this up themselves, it's just too great. And then to realise I almost wrote about black and white Czechs!
You might have to explain the joke, my dear Koos, or hit us all with a big Pole. Or get us a Euro glossary a la Neil. ;)
Are the Poles like Newfoundlanders in Canada?
Hi Koos,
The joke sure works in writing. Very funny.
I would suggest to Anne-Marie not to pay the ticket. Can't imagine they will collect it in Canada....or will their authorities do that?
See you both tomorrow,
Not paying has its disadvantages.
These customs computers don't forget. So the next time Anne-Marie presents herself at Schiphol Airport customs she'll have to pay the fine plus the extras.
And my fear is the next step is this happens at any other European airport.
They call that European integration.
...justified by the war on terrorism, of course.
Good news, our Minister of Justice, Hirsch Ballin (remember that name, he shows courage) refuses to hand over a terrorism suspect to the US authorities, because of the likeliness of torture and injustice.
I like this principle, only extradite suspects to civilised countries.
BTW the suspect will get a proper Dutch prosecution.
LOL Koos!
I have a hanky with red and white checks...
Oh dear, Anne-Marie - next thing you'll be sent a parking ticket!
On the way to The Who concert we were doing 135 kmph in a 90 kmph zone through Kootenay National Park... and people were still passing us.
Koos: I love your play on words and how you can piece things together to make your own jokes that we all can understand. Thank you so much!!
AM: Yes, the Poles in Europe are similar to Newfies in Canada - except in France, where the Newfie equivalent to the French are those in Belgium.
Rachel: Got it - my goodness, how on earth (or geography) did you ever piece those two together. However, I guess being with Czech and Poles being neighbours ....
Speeders: Yesterday on my way home on the world's widest highway (14 lanes in some places and being expanded to 16 lanes), I was going over 130! A good friend (cop) who gives tickets on the famous 401 said they don't usually pay attention to people going under 130 - only those going over 130!!
But last week I heard of a swiss guy getting a ticket on one of our smaller two lane highways. His excuse? He could never go this fast in Switzerland because there are too many corners and turns on two lane highways there!
Hey Koos,
Teehee, loved the play on items, images, and words, written and springing from the images.
A Czechered Griffon!
LOL Rachel!
Hi Koos,
Thanks for the email. I did in fact get the poles/Poles double entendre. I thought that was too obvious to be the joke, so I was in fact digging a bit deeper.
As far as the speeding ticket goes, we suspected at first it had to do with German plates, but I don't even think a Netherlands photo radar can see that close! We will pay exactly for the reasons Koos outlined, for anyone reaching us here at our home address in Canada surely has us in their wider system, and we do plan to come back! The Czech is in the mail. ;) (See, I do get the wordy jokes!)
does it mean we're poles apart?..
Here it's just polar. Pass the parka.
Hi Koos,
outside it's cold here and I have a question: what do make in the winter with your bark. Do you ship in the whole year on the rivers.
Hope you can tell me. All the best to you and Val.
Love and peace
Hi Stefan,
We do not travel very much on the water. In fact we live a rather prosaic life where making money keeps us from sailing far away.
To add to the immobility, Val's barge has a very old engine. It's beautiful and old fashioned - and a bit unreliable.
She is now ready to replace it with a more modern classic engine. Starts at the push of a button but still produces the old fashioned puf-puff sound, exactly the way my engine does it.
And, as you can see by watching this video, we can hand start it too!
Her 'new' engine is exactly the same type as mine.
Thanks to this engine at least we'll be able to go for weekend trips.
I have to say Koos old chap that these are by far the most absurd but funny posts I have come across!
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