There are more people we'd like to meet, and I expect we will in due course.
For some it will take a while; British Columbia for instance, and Holland are quite a few miles apart. However, one of our really faithful visitors and commenters, Erik-Jan, lives only an hour's motor bike ride away.
Yesterday -Tuesday- was the magic moment. Erik-Jan arrived on the quayside and he had found us effortlessly, thanks to his attentive study of all the posts we had done about the Oude Haven in the course of time.

Here Val explains to Erik-Jan about her new entrance hatch.
Meeting Erik-Jan confirmed an opinion we have built up: even in writing you will always show a true image of yourself.
And since Erik-Jan's writing has always been very pleasant, it turned out he is a very pleasant man: thoughtful, modest, gentlemanly and unassuming and nobody's fool at the same time. In brief, our kind of man.

We gave our special guest, a died-in-the-wool professional photographer, the grand tour of our harbours - and walked Sindy in the meantime.
We've already made a plan to meet our special guest again in January, when the Luxor will be on the slipway for underwater repairs.
If there is any possibility at all, we want to go see what Erik-Jan's nautical activities in his home town Naarden are about. His site is in the Dutch language, but the images tell a great part of the story.
And now for our next explanation about ttraffic signs
This strange, scratchy traffic sign, don't know what to make of it. Probably means no neckless roundheaded men in black allowed here. Well, sounds useful, doesn't it?
(Not to Val's daughter Jodie, who passed the theory part of her driver's license test. Congratulations Jo).
Says Gypsy Noir:
"that sign means duck your head theres a black ball about to hit it.."
Rache said...
"...How about 'Walk carefully or your head will fall off'?"
Ahvarahn said:
"...but be careful, that sign worries me a little; it could mean: no dumping of handless, footless, almost-headless corpes? there may be a sinister lot near that sign, i'd stay clear if i were you :)"
Baz said...:
" Beware of black nudists without a neck. "
Lannio said...:
" Beware of neckless, handless, footless humans. They want to circle you. "
Erik-Jan said...:
" Do not lose your head (too often). "
oh its great to hear eriks visit went well..great pics too of the event.. that sign means duck your head theres a black ball about to hit it..
Thanks to you it is now beginning to make sense, Gypsy.
Much obliged, I love it.
Hope you don't mind I add it to the original post.
oh no im honoured to be in the hallowed koos does make sense ..thats why you cant see his head cause he's ducking..
Got it! Love it!
How about 'Walk carefully or your head will fall off'?
It sounds (and looks) like you had a wonderful visit with Erik-Jan. How nice that he lives only an hour away!
It's good to see Val is taking some relaxation time. I understand she's been very busy lately. I look forward to getting to know her better when she comes back to blogland more regularly.
very funny, but be careful, that sign worries me a little; it could mean: no dumping of handless, footless, almost-headless corpes? there may be a sinister lot near that sign, i'd stay clear if i were you :)
Who would have thought Gypsy would still get tough comment competition?
Goes to show that the human creativity should never be underestimated.
Thanks for racking those brains and for taking the trouble of looking this way!
This traffic sign will never be the same again.
Is says: " Beware of black nudists without a neck"
Hi Koos and Val,
I should have been the first one to comment on this chapter.
Too late, i'm sorry.
I very much enjoyed meeting you both and am looking forward meeting you again in January, as a witness while the Luxor gets lifted out of the water, or any moment before that in Rotterdam or whereever.
Thanks for the nice words.
yes but i was first so there!...tough competiton i expected from this lot..
Oh those fiery emotions! I love them
Beware of neckless, handless, footless humans. They want to circle you
Yes, Gypsy, we know. You're a genius!
Love ya!
....what time is it anyway...?
17.47...quick rache duck!!! black ball hurling towards us..
Whew! That was close!
Koos, I think you have started something :)
Walk this way...
I think the sign is simply upside down...
Koos, it might be a long way between BC and Holland, but we WILL meet!
I am glad that Erik Jan is exactly how I imagined!
Six degrees of separation getting closer. Anne Marie meets Koos and Val. Lannio meets Anne Marie. Lannio has known sister Dale all her life. Hey Dale, wanna go to Europe with me?
About the traffic sign....I'll tell you:
"Do not loose your head (too often)"
we had this sign in the car park of the old hospital which said..{DO NOT PARK HERE! NOT FOR 5 MINUTES, NOT FOR 5 SECONDS, NOT EVER!} used to make me chuckle..
Oh the written signs can be such inspiration.
Val just told me about a sign she remembers seeing in South Africa on a mountain road at the edge of a gorge, saying:
-Don't Even Think Of Throwing Anything Over The Side!
The sign means that if you keep the right side of your body straight and bend the left limbs, your head will levitate and your hands and feet will disappear. I found it in the "Guide to European Road Signs".
Koos, thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you had a lovely visit with Erik-Jan. How about you and Val fly to Toronto next summer, Lannio, Austin and I rent a minivan with you, and we all drive to BC? It's just a few thousand kilometres, you know... (I am only half-joking)
Hi Anne-Marie,
What a beautiful plan! Hmmm, only half-joking too!
Here Here to a cross Canada tour to BC!
I have the WELCOME mat out!
How do you pronounce 'Koos'?
like coush?
Hi Elizabeth:
you're very very close when you say close but leave out the L. So say cose and you've said my name correctly.
Thanks for asking!
How are you?
Are you aware that our visitor, Erik-Jan, is one of your colleagues?
(Sorry if I've asked this before).
A real Rotterdammer says Cows
I like cows so it would be a compliment if I called you cows. I am preparing for when we meet in person.
I do know Eric-Jan's a colleague. Wait a minute; I may know him (seriously).
koos i hope your not to ill with the flu now..>>hugs<<..
Aw that's sweet, Gypsy.
I was actually feeling a bit sorry for myself, getting a nasty headache from a cough that's going nowhere. Just hope it'll be over soon...
oh poor you.. lots of healing huddles sent your way..x..
Sorry to hear that the flu's come calling on you!
Hugs and chicken soup. Hope you feel better soon.
Take care of yourself.
xxo, E
Hope you're feeling better soon
Hi Kos,
I hope you're feeling better.
It's all that hugging, you know. Not that it's any reason to stop, mind you.
hope your not coughing up fur balls kooooseee .love alfie.
keep warm, get well soon. I hope the comments here add some warmth, (but then again you should be wrapped up snuggly and not arched over a keyboard and monitor)
take care
Hello Koos,
I too hope you are felling better. Thank you for stopping by my blog with encouragement and compliment.
It means a great deal to me!
Oh, i almost forgot....
Please pass along a HUG to Val, she is missed!
Thank you dear!
My birthday today.
Justed wanted to share it with you.
Happy birthday!!
I just clicked over to your page. I don't read Dutch but I do enjoy maps and good photos. Lots of boats and water like Koos!
Have a great day!
Van Harte Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag (all these words mean just happy birthday).
Thank you Erik-Jan.
I'll have one or two on you, for medicinal reasons too, of course ;-)
Hi Koos
Here's a big cyberhuddle to help you get well!
I just heard you were under the weather... why do they say that?
... we're all under the weather - we have no choice - the clouds and sky are always overhead!
Happy Birthday Erik Jan!
Hugs to Val, too.
I took a few also...for medical reasons off-course. Spent a nice day in Amsterdam AKA 020 as they say in Rotterdam.
Love Erik-Jan.
b.t.w. We can go on with our 'Historic harbour' plans.
The community did agree!!! :-)
hope you and val are feeling more chipper..happy belated birthday erik..
D'oh, sorry for not visiting your blog for such a long time. Missed the naming "competition"!
It seems you had a joyous meeting with Jan-Erik. What could be better in this world? I agree with you that it shows through in a blog as well what kind of a person you are. Everyone has their own way of writing which at least to some extent stems from their personality.
Hope this weekend has been good so far for you and for Val. Many good wishes to both of you!
Looks like a Flaming Lips concert in a bubble, coming your way.
--Dan L.
... I seem to have awakened one hour earlier this morning...
One hour too late for me ;-(
Koos, it was great chatting with you!!
Night night to you and Val.
Psst...Koos, partially clad girls over at my blog.
koos we are feeling neglected here..val has been excused because of work...however you have been absent with out leave for over a week now..this simply wont do!...i want a note on my desk forthwith!...
Oi, Fernhout. New post, please. Val has done one, and she's officially off-duty.
... ditto!
That gal's such a market spoiler.
just here to complane again post??...(looks at watch)..
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