They never fail to touch me, these shop windows or market stalls filled to the point of overflowing with sweet, romantic colours. It's just about everything the taste police would like to ban, and I wouldn't like to be caught owning such things.
Yet I find them irresistibly charming and I regret the many times I forgot to take pictures of that colourful abundance. Luckily at least I have taken six pictures of these lovely items.
What? Is it really more than two weeks since my last post? Bad blogger, bad blogger (beats head against the wall).
about time too!...those are the kind of things an old aunt would have stashed in her cabinet and threaten to leave you when she dies..nooooo!!!!!!...
wheres my awol note???...
Hi Koos,
hope you feel fine on this cold sunny day. This stuff on the pictures is not my world.
Wish you and Val a good weekend.
Love and peace
Hi Kos,
I always wondered who actually bought these things, although I am sure we've got our share in the house.
You're lucky- barges do not lend themselves to the accumulation of knick-knacks on this level!
Welcome back Koos
I agree with Anne Marie. Just the other day I was at a huge store called honest Ed's that is entirely filled with this stuff (however, not presented as nicely). I've always wondered who actually bought them.
The difference between Ed's store and your pictures is merchandising - that crafty trick of display that encourages the window shopper to actually buy.
Koos, you're back!
I guess we're all allowed to slip up occasionally, as long as we learn from our mistakes...
I love Kitsch! My house is full of it! George says I just can't throw anything away.
It's all so sentimental to me.
Plus, I hate to throw anything away, because I never know when I might need it - waste not want not!
The photo caught my eye right away.
My only problem with having so much Kitsch, is having to dust and clean around it!
Have a great day.
it snowed last night
Koos! Welcome back! Yikes that's a nasty bruise on your head...
Remember, absence makes the heart grow fonder. You wouldn't know how much we have all missed you if you hadn't taken a 'blog break', now would you? That said, I have not yet had the pleasure of getting to know Val, but am looking forward to doing so soon!
My maternal grandmother had lots of kitsch. My aunts have divided what remains of it among themselves and I expect to inherit some of it eventually - nothing I would ever buy, but it belonged to Grandma so I will keep it in remembrance.
There is something very romantic and nostalgic about the type of displays you've captured here...
Maybe it's the idea that perhaps some of those items have a story to tell or have someones memories attached. Or maybe there's a rare treasure hidden in plain sight within the display.
For whatever reason, I can't seem to resist the 'junk' tables at garage sales and antique stores. I rarely buy, but just looking and imagining can be fascinating.
Once again, Welcome back!
missed you.
Hi Koos,
Barry Ryan, I do even still have the 45.
Hey Koos!
Ohh no I don't like stuff like this! I don't know what I could do with things like this! But if someone likes this I think it's ok!!!
Love, Charly
Ilove the pretty stuff the taste police would ban, very pretty and girlie! thanks for those photos as usual.
Hi Koos,
It's been a while since I've dropped by here, a lot has happened since the last time I was here. I got to meet some of my blogger friends at Rachel's show at the Hotel Cafe in Hollywood California.
Those items are very lovely, some of it looks like things my late grandma would've had. In fact, she probably did.
Hopefully we'll get to meet someday.
Take care.
Now that Vally is posting again, we expect something here as well.
Enjoy the weekend!
Hi Koos,
what a great subject! Junk and clutter, kitsch and bling! The cloisauné vases and little sheep girls. We have all sinned. In Greece there is an auction channel for all those kind of things and a friend of my mom's buys it all the time. Help!
The way you present these benches on your photos though, make them beautiful.
Always interesting to come around here...
Hope you're well,
Dear Koos
Thank you for your kind words and thoughts on my blog - I know I can always depend on you all for caring support.
It will be tough for a while and I can simply be thankful for my own family.
koos thankyou for the derelicté link there really is beauty in that stuff..the pictures are lovely..ive saved the link for my friend, he likes to photograph his models in those kind of settings..the last ones he did were at a disused railway garage near here..ill dig some out and send you some..
Great blog you have, yes, I love it.
Keep it up, OK?
See ya,
--Dan L.
Koos, get your head out of the kitsch and post more of your fabulous photos!
We miss you!
Koos, get your head out of the kitsch and post more of your fabulous photos!
We miss you!
... it twice.
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