Thank you all for the warm and loving messages we received from friends the world over.
I feel very grateful for the wonderful new encouters last year, whether that was virtual or in the flesh.
We had lovely days in Brussels, had our usual outings to places in the neighbourhood - and, rare thing, had serious snow too!
We love that country in all kinds of weather. The picture below is a lock on a disused stretch of the old Canal du Centre.
I hope you like it.

Welcome back to bloggland koos, and a very happy new year to you and yours, im going to read through all your old posts now!! best wishes mate
Hi Koos,
Happy New Year to you too.
Hope you've had some heating on the barge in Belgium.
Kind regards,
Hey Koos!!
thank you very very much for answering my blog :)
you said you were in basement jam, so did you know rachel fuller or were you there for mr pete?
if you know people who would like to read my blog, can you make 'reclame' ?? would be nice :D
well, a very happy newyear to you and your family..
grtz Elke!
Glad to hear from you, Erik-Jan, and a Happy New Year for you too.
Lots of success with your photography and barge harbour in Naarden.
I myself might accept spartan circumstances now and then, but Val is just uncompromising: bad heating means no go! So it was nice and warm.
Hi Ernie,
You are doing your own 'reclame' now by moving around and leaving messages. If people get curious they can easily follow the link to ernie.
It works!
Hey Koos!!
Have you got any pics of the basemant jam?
I think the Who and all those 'old' bands are really cool, atleast they still know what music is about... I do listen to them a lot (practicly all the time) but to be honnest, I'm one of the few 'kids' who does that... not many of my age listen to them, only guys like snoopdog or so, and I kinda hate him.
It's very cool that you read my blog, thank you, now I don't write for myself anymore :)
Greetz Elke!
Hi Koos,
I tought of relieving Ernie's problem but she only allows Bloggers so it is impossible to leave a message there for me.
It is nice to see though that very young people somethimes share our taste in music. Makes me happy.
I'v seen the Scorpions once (semi-live) at "The Wall" in Berlin. Yes, I've been there!!!
Everything was really "Live" but Roger Waters was not amused by their capabilities so the start of the show was in "Playback".
As soon as the Scorpions left the stage everything was "Live" but then there was the power failure...and the rest is history.
Anyway she likes the Who as well and that is really something.
Kind regards,
Hi Koos,
All the best for 2006 and much success in everything you might be doing!
I see the snow has descended in your part of the world too (well, in Brussels, closer to your part of the world than Finland). Here so much that the snow on the branches is causing damage to the trees in many places of the country, causing them to fall. I should try to find a photo of it. Don't have a digital camera myself...
Thanks for the link Koos! There are awsome pic's on it!! :)
I like 'em very very much
grtz Elke!
Happy New Year Koos!
Looks like Holland to me - I was there (near Rotterdam) a few weeks ago and it was very cold. The company I work for had to close early on Friday also due to snow.
All the best for 2006
Hi Koos,
I love the photo. It didn't snow in London at all... boo hoo.
Oh, well maybe later in Jan or Feb, who knows.
Thanks for your comments.
I love computers and the web, so I experiment a lot, when I have the time of course, hence I try to make my blog colourful and rich...
Take care
Hi fellow bloggers on this page.
Special welcome to our brand new (in more than one way ;-) lady blogger from Belgium, Elke (aka Ernie).
She is a fan of The Who at the same age I was - almost forty years ago; and I still am a fan.
Elke, find the links to Basement pics at
Erik-Jan, you were at The Wall concert in Berlin! Good for you. I'm glad I have the dvd. Monumental!!!
'My' Val was at the Isle of Wight festival in 1970, especially to see the Who. Alas, the concert started at 2 a.m. and she slept right through it.
Hi EL (or may Icall you Maria now?). I heard a lengthy monologue of E.L. Wisty / Peter Cook about the life of miners. Brilliant, what a good laugh.
We had just a short spell of really nasty winter weather here, creating chaos, but it stopped as soon as it began...
Sorry about the suffering trees in Finland. Bet they can't wait for the greenhouse-effect to materialise.
Hi Steve H
The picture is a bit misleading as the hills remain outside the frame. That region in southern Belgium can best be compared to England's former industrial North-West, with slag heaps and industrial heritage. Just up my street!
Hi Koos,
We have locks around here also. Maryland/West Virginia, Potomac river. My Great Grand Dad used to work a few of the locks around here. Back when the mules walked the toe path to pull the boats up the lock.
We are having a after New Year chat at BallerinaGurl's January 8, 2006 @ 2:00 pm Mountain time. 9:00 pm GMT. Molly, BallerinaGurl, will be hosting. Sure would be nice if you could join us. Never know who might drop by to say hello. Simon Townshend has said he will be there. Mikey Cuthbert will try to make it. Pete and Rachel may even show up again. We always have a grand time. See you Sunday?
A link to the chat is on my blog.
Peace, love and light,
Whiieeee Koos!
thanks again for comment! I didn't know it was on PT's site :s sorry! But anyway, I had fun translating it :)
(thanks for the answers!)
hope all to see you soon!!
have fun in brussels!!
Grtz Elke!
Says MyVal, Teacher of business English: your translation is above average.
And I do like your image of old rockers swapping stamps!
Hi Koos,
Happy New Year and Bonne Sante to you too, albeit a bit belated.
What a lovely picture! We are currently snowless, which is strange after an early December that was very snowy. I'd rather have the snow and sunshine than the rain we had for days here.
Hi Koos,
I do indeed know that Tintin originated in Belgium. We had very good friends back when I was growing up who moved back to Mons, and so I've visited Belgium before as well. My fiance was lucky enough to like in the Netherlands as a child (his father was in the US Air Force) and we've been back together a few times. Loved it.
I giggled at the detective names- is Jansen perhaps the most common surname in the Netherlands? It seems to be the requirement for a translation.
hey Koos!
thank Val from me:) I liked it! it's a very big compliment to me about my english, thanks!!
hope you read on and I will read yours on :)
grtz Elke!
Very lovely photos on your blog,
Koos.Any plans of attending The
Who convention over in Liverpool
on April 1st?
Mike S is wrong,the Convention
is in London !!
Dutch Mob will be there.Mike S
might be there,we hope !!
Koos you need to have tickets to
attend.I can help you ... go to
my blog. Greetings Pieter.
Hoi Koos,
Sinds ik hier in de Veerhaven WIFI heb ontdekt én toegepast ben ik op heel wat leuke dingen gestuit.
Zo ook die van jou.
Aktief mannetje!!
In april gaan wij weer naar het zuiden met Damsterdiep.
Ons vorige reisverslag staat inmiddels ook bij Picaro op het net, leuk, hè?
Hi Koos - What a pretty picture. We have locks here in Ottawa, Canada too, and it looks about the same now as in your picture - snow and ice, closed down for the winter! They are fascinating to watch in summertime, though.
Hi Mike S and Pieter
Alas, no plans to attend the Who convention, wish everyone a wonderful time though. It was great fun, meeting these fans who know more about the Who than the Who know themselves.
Mike, are you coming over from Florida for the convention? Wow!
And introducing:
Ruud (who owns the beautiful Dutch barge) Damsterdiep.
He and his wife Anneke are dear friends, sharing the passion for old barges with me.
Leuk om langs deze weg van je te horen, Ruud.
Have you discovered my pictures of Pete Townshend's Dutch barge?
See It is the green tjalk further down the page.
The house is the studio where we bloggers were invited to attend a concert.
I don't know why Liverpool came
out of my mouth,I definitely meant
London!I won't be making the convention either as financially
things haven't come along as swiftly as I would of liked,so
having said that,have a grand
old WHO blasting time to all who
are going!!
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