Today was very windy. It is said that the famous French mountain wind, the Mistral, can drive people mental. I never believed that until today. There was madness in the air.
First there were the automatic double doors at the exits of the Rotterdam underground railway. They sense your approach and open up away from you, but not today, they opened up towards me (a form of madness), realised their mistake, reversed the movement and knocked my spectacles off my nose. The inspector who listended patiently to my complaint agreed that the system is disastrous and should never have been introduced.
Next stop the parking police to make sure we don't get fined for parking the newly acquired van in the centre of Rotterdam. I walk in and the next thing I know is I lie on the ground. Ouch! A man using a zimmer frame has activated the invalid lift, which means that a railing emerges out of the ground to keep him from falling off the platform. Don't we all love designers of mechanical contraptions?
I should have been happy because the parking permit was organised within minutes (Dutch bureaucratic efficiency for you), even before I could complete filling in my complaint form about the invalid lift, but I wasn't. Next stop McDonalds for some 'oral consolation'. The young man at the counter asks: 5,60? Puzzled, ask him if I am supposed to haggle about the price. No sir, just asking if you are 65 (five-and-sixty), then you pay less. So that is the first time someone has asked me if I am 65. Better get used to it. Don't these people read blogs? My profile says clearly that I'm 57, not 65.
PS We don't have the 'sue them' culture where I live. Too bad, I could have made good money today.