A special Virtual Bonus Cuddle goes to the first non-Dutch reader to leave the correct answer in my comments section.
If you need more details just click on the image of the Guest of the Week at our shipyard, the two-mast clipper barge ANNA MARIA (hence the dedication). You might find the answer there.
Somehow I feel someone is going to work this one out, sooner or later.
Please add to your comment if the rebus was:
- Much too difficult
- Just right
- Much too easy
Your Feedback helps us improve Our Quality!
Photo Koos Fernhout
I feel like such a ster!
I want to say easy, but only if my answer is right. :)
Thanks, Koos, for making me smile. Your guest is lovely, and I always like seeing what you've managed to snap.
Argh...back to work in a few minutes. I just love the lunch breaks at home.
The Ster Of The Week is Anne-Marie. Really, she was the first to provide us with the right answer to the Rebus.
I now admit: it was meant to be ;-)
Hey Anne-Marie, you were the first, he,he......Nice picture, Koos, lovely...
Hey Koos,
Maybe you can help me....do you know Rachel's email?? The one I'm using doesn't work....
Is it rachel@eelpie.com...or rachelf??
Do you remember?? She told us to tell her how the feed was where we live....
Thanks very much....it's been nice to chat with all of you....
Good night!!! Buenas noches
Eel Pie Recording Production Limited
Attn: Rachel Fuller
4 Friars Lane, Richmond Green, Richmond. TW9 1NL
Great Britain
So that's it?
Hey Koos
I just logged on & I knew what the answer is!
"Ster" is also the name of one of the Paagman girls that Jenny skis with.
Everything seems to keep going round & round...
Congratulations to Anne-Marie, as she is ster van de week!
Now I'll go & check your post a wee bit closer.
Dear Koos
Ik moest een definitie van rebus eerst worden alvorens ik kon verdergaan.
Me again
I forgot - just right!
¡ Hi Elena !
I used rachelf@eelpie.com and it worked.
Hi Sarah-Beth
Yes, that's the way they recommend doing it.
England instead of GB will do fine as well.
Hi Dale,
You keep amazing me. You write Dutch, next thing you speak it too!
En het gaat rond en rond...
What word do you use for rebus?
Hi Koos
We use the word rebus, too.
I had to look it up in the dictionary, because I wasn't sure what it meant, even in English!
Koos, you keep me on my toes!
Hi Dale
That's a very useful rhyme: Koos / toes.
Makes it so easy to explain to English speakers how to pronounce my name!
Hello Koos!
Thanks very much for your kind comments about The Rumble Strips on our IAC page!
I'm very happy that you enjoyed the music. We are working on an EP of full length CD. We have 50 songs easily-it's just a matter of choosing the ones to release first.
Some of the tunes are several years old & we are also rearranging & re-recording some of those as well. Check our IAC page often as a new song is going up very soon.
Thanks again for your support!
Ed & 'The Rumble Strips'
I like this sort of games although I'm not a gamer.
Will not tell you if it was easy or not but it is fun.
Hey Koos...yeah I think I'm making good progress with my script. So far I have all of act 1 completed. I'd love to get your opinion if you're interested in reading it - it's about 31 pages. Shoot me an email, let me know, and I'll send it your way. :)
Thanks koos!!!! You are lovely!!....I think the problem is my email....these computers.......¡Muchas gracias!
Hey Joost,
Duurde even voor ik zag dat JIJ het was, en voor ik je rebus door had trouwens.
Leuk dat je bent komen kijken en een commentaar hebt achtergelaten!
Kom gauw nog eens, we doen ons best gevearieerd en waar mogelijk onderhoudend te zijn - en misschien raak je geïnspireerd om iets met je eigen blog te doen. We hebben een heel speciale vriendenkring gekregen dankzij dit gebeuren.
Na der STER?
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